Summer White
Oh sweet summertime! With the warm sun beaming down upon us during the day and the nighttime chill just enough to put on a light sweater. My hair and make up always look great because I’m not sweating and it isn’t 90 – 100% humidity. Oh wait – I must be confused. I’m describing the fall and winter months here in Texas. Summertime in Texas can be brutal. Last summer I asked my husband (who is a little bit older than I am) if you become more sensitive to the heat as you get older, and his response was, “Well, I think your expectation for comfort increases as you get older.” Well said, my friend, well said. And let me tell you – I’m getting older and I’m pregnant. And we have already had 100 degree days in Texas, and I started sweating walking to my car in the parking garage last week. But…..it’s not all bad. It just means you spend a lot of time in the shade or in water (lake, bay, pool, etc.) and you run your errands first thing in the morning or in the evening to avoid the heat of the day. Summertime is also a time to relax a little – less traffic, family vacations, backyard bbq’s, and of course ice cream and popsicles – or is that just me and being pregnant?
Summertime is also the time when you can feel free to bust out your summer whites! I have seen the trend of wearing white during the winter more and more lately, and honestly, paired the right way, it can be beautiful in the winter as well. But, when I think of summertime, I think of white.
Isn’t this white maxi dress from Target just lovely? AND, I forgot to mention another great thing about this time of the year in Texas – all the crepe myrtles in bloom. Aren’t they stunning? From the time they barely start blooming in May, to now, when they are in full bloom, I just love looking at them while driving around.
I wore this dress to date night with my hubby recently. I don’t think we’ll be able to squeeze in a “babymoon” before the twins arrive, so we are trying to take advantage of every opportunity to spend time together. I hope you are having a great start to your summer and take a look a some of the dresses below – ALL white of course.