The Toast to Post List of Favorite Things…..for Kids

Dauber Dawgs Markers

These markers are so fun for little kids who have a hard time holding a regular marker. They encourage kids to be creative, boosts their confidence, and helps with skill development. And here’s the best part – they are 100% washable! Believe me, I tested it out! There is nothing neat about three year olds and markers, especially super fun and colorful markers! Plus they come with really cool activity sheets – states, numbers, letters, animals, etc!

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Gingham PJ’s

Just the cutest pj’s ever and under $25 from Amazon! And I just realized they come in red which would be perfect for Christmas 🙂

Click here to shop!

Learn Through Playing

These carefully designed activity kits optimize children’s learning and engagement. With a wide variety of themes, there is surely something for everyone! The Christmas and Winter kits would be a perfect gift, but there are also mermaid, safari, pirate, dinosaur, ocean, ballet, etc. kits! Click here to read more.

Click here to shop.

Bibalina Playhouse

This under $40 playhouse is so much fun! Have the littles help you build it, and then they can decorate it by coloring and putting stickers on it! It’s made of cardboard, and the twins made it their own by bringing in books, blankets, and even one of my led candles 🙂

Click here to shop.


My girl mama heart flutters a little bit with this next one. Little girls in tutus might be one of the most adorable things ever. iloveplum has everything you need for having the perfect dress up day with your little lady- tutus, accessories, fuzzy and/or sequin jackets and sweaters, and more! Tip – browse the sale section of the site.

Click here to shop.

ReaRea J’s

Owned and operated by a local Houston mama! We connected via Instagram and I have loved supporting her and her small business! She creates handmade outfits and accessories for babies and toddlers, giving the you the opportunity to buy fun outfits for all occasions that are cute and comfortable! And y’all, there is a 12 Days of Christmas Bow Set! How fun is that?

Click here to shop.

Tagged by Tiff

Tagged by Tiff is another locally owned and operated business in the Katy area. She runs her monogramming shop out of her house while her boys are in school! As of this posting, her website is currently closed, preparing for her big Black Friday Sale! You do not want to miss! The twins have hats, shirts, and beach towels made by her, and I even got a surprise hat one day which if you follow me on Instagram, you’ve seen me wear a lot!

Click here to shop and here to go to her Insta page for more.

Tubby Todd

I have a small obsession for Tubby Todd products! These bathtime products are made for families with sensitive and dry skin that are clean and safe for little ones. Tubby Todd is all about good, clean fun for the whole family and I have used these products on the twins since they were teeny tiny and still do! Right now we are loving the Tubby Todd x Chasing Paper bubble bath and All Over Ointment. Black Friday deals start Thursday at 6pm PST and will be the biggest sale of the year! You’ll get 15% off sitewide or 20% off orders of $100 or more.

Click here to shop.

Two Bean Soup

Two Bean Soup is another locally owned and operated small shop in the Houston area that created the wearable towel! Your hands are free to use while still being covered by the towel, which makes having snacks perfect when you’re at the beach or pool. There are more print options to name, so make sure to click the link below to check them out!

Click here to shop.

Cheers – MP