Fiesta Style Gender Reveal
After the excitement of finding out I was pregnant with fraternal twins set in, T and I were obsessing over what the genders would be. We did not do the blood test that can determine gender due to the fact that it can be inconclusive with fraternal twins. At first, we both just kind of assumed it was one of each – a boy and a girl. It was killing me not knowing, because I am such a planner. I really, really, really wanted to start planning the nursery, coming up with names, and buying outfits, swaddles, etc. A couple of weeks before the anatomy scan that determined the genders, I had this feeling that it was two girls. I don’t know why, but I was convinced it was two girls. We started coming up with names, thinking about the nursery, pinteresting girl twin ideas, etc. Around the same time, we decided on a date for the gender reveal party – literally the day after the anatomy scan. Talk about cutting it close. The week of the scan and the party, I started hearing all these stories of people who didn’t find out the gender because the baby wasn’t cooperating in the anatomy scan and panic started setting in. The party was planned, the guests were invited, the food was ordered, and we decided we were going through with the party no matter what! Luckily, on the day of the anatomy scan, they were able to determine the gender. Baby A – It’s a girl!! Baby B – It’s a boy!! WHAT???? I was so convinced it was two girls, I didn’t even really comprehend what the sonographer had said – a boy and a girl! Obviously, no matter what the genders would have been, we are still so lucky and blessed to have our little babes!
Now, on to the party…….who doesn’t love a fiesta?!?!?! AND, with some help from pinterest, we decided on busting open pinatas when revealing the genders to our family and friends. I found these pull string pinatas from Wal-Mart that I immediately ordered. I bought the filler from Party City and Wal-Mart and as soon as we got home from the anatomy scan, I started stuffing the pinatas. I was going to have this picture perfect Instagram post with the pink and blue streamers and confetti raining down on T and myself, but like most things, it doesn’t always turn out the way you think it will. More of that to come later……
My mom and dad had been working super hard at their house all week long preparing for the party, and WOW! they did an excellent job! I have to say, most of the decorations, food, and drinks were all due to my parents. The house and backyard looked awesome!
Many of the decorations came from Pier 1 and Home Goods. The cookies came from The Sweet Retreat. This is the same bakery I used at my wedding (and let me tell you – not only do they look amazing, but they taste amazing, too.) This preggo couldn’t stop eating them! And one of the funnest parts of planning the gender reveal party, was making a SnapChat geo filter. Luckily one of the girls at work had done it before and was able to coach me on how to make it, and it was so much fun! My dress was an authentic Mexican dress from Oaxaca, Mexico.
So, the fun part – everyone is at the house, drinking margaritas, eating queso and other yummy appetizers, and we decide it’s time to bust open the pinatas. Ok, here it goes – T and I each have a pinata, and countdown – 3 – 2 – 1! We pull the strings, and NOTHING HAPPENS. The strings break apart from the pinatas, and they don’t open. We were dying laughing, along with everyone else. So after we kind of look at each other like, “What do we do now?” he started ripping open his pinata like the hulk ripping off his shirt, and I, a little more delicately, starting ripping apart mine. So, my perfect Instagram picture didn’t happen, but you know what, it’s ok. Part of the reason for reviving this blog is to show what happens in REAL LIFE events. My life isn’t a staged photo shoot, so neither will be this blog. Everyone had so much fun that night – the drinks were great, the food was great, the atmosphere was AMAZING, and everyone had a good time. We enjoyed each others’ company and I could honestly tell that the people who were there, really wanted to be there. No one forced them to be there, but they made the choice to come and support T and I and we are so thankful they did 🙂
Hopefully you’ve enjoyed this post and are able to use some of these fun ideas into a party you are planning. These ideas could work for baby showers, birthday parties, Cinco de Mayo parties, etc.
Cheers – MP