J. Crew Sale

Ok y’all. I’m a little peeved right now. The dress that I just wore on Sunday and is one of my FAVORITE dresses for spring and summer just went on huge sale at J. Crew, which is actually fantastic, but I paid a lot more for it than this price. Seriously, it was originally $138 and is now on sale for $41.49. So maybe I should use this as a learning opportunity – don’t pay full price for something because it usually goes on big time sale at some point. And, I don’t feel like April 24 is too far into the Spring that you cannot wear it anymore – you’ll have months to get great use out of this dress.

I’ve also linked several other items from J. Crew that are on major sale with code SOGOOD. Right now, I have these 10 items in my cart and the total is less than $300 (excluding tax.) AND, if you are part of the J. Crew rewards program, standard shipping is FREE. I know that sounds like a lot, but let’s look at this way. If you were to pay full price for all 10 of these items, the total would be just shy of $1,000. So I guess when you look at it that way, these are some major steals 🙂

Happy shopping, friends!