October Bucket List
Happy October! I wanted to create a Fall/October Bucket List with the sole purpose of connecting Moms with their kids, friends, and families. Far too many times we get so caught up in the Insta comparison game, that we feel that if we don’t have little bats and floating witch hats all over the house, we are slacking or not putting in as much effort as other Moms. If going all out isn’t your thing and it stresses you out more than the enjoyment you get out of it, then try starting small, like with these houndstooth pumpkin, velvet pumpkin, or this throw pillow and then work your way up. What matters at the end of the day is the time you spend with your loved ones and the memories you create together.
This October Bucket List places a big emphasis on activities and doing things versus buying things. It is about getting us out of the house, involved in the local community, and spending time with the people we love.
**the twins’ hats are from Tagged by Tiff and are so stinkin’ cute in real life!
1. Go To A Pumpkin Patch

And truly be present with your kids. Yes, absolutely take photos, but don’t make that what the whole trip is about. Snap the cute pics, then be there with your kids. Laugh with them, pick out the perfect pumpkin, watch them play and interact with other kids, and enjoy the day.
2. Carve or Paint a Pumpkin
Last year we did sticker pumpkins, and we’ll probably do something similar to that this year. Make a cute snack, put on a fun playlist and go to town with the stickers. Or paint……outside.

Snack Idea for pumpkin carving/painting/stickering!
3. Halloween Movie Night
I did a quick scroll through Netflix the other night, and there are plenty of age appropriate Halloween movies for the kiddos. We are going to do a Halloween movie night and popcorn this weekend! We’ll pull out the sleeping bags, make a big bowl of popcorn, and decide on a movie to watch!

4. Visit a Farmer’s Market and Make Chili with What You Buy
I love this idea because not only are you supporting local businesses, but then you get to show your children how to use the items you buy to prepare a meal. Alternatives would be stew or pot roast.
Click here for chili, here for stew, and here for pot roast recipes.

5. DIY Fall Wreath
Ok y’all. If you follow along on Insta, you probably know I’m not a huge DIY’er. I attempted to do more DIY type things around Christmas last year, but it never happened. But……I am inspired by this YouTube video so much after watching these wreaths being made, I might actually attempt to make one. Seriously. And the best part, most of the items come from the Dollar Tree or Walmart and are extremely affordable. Have older kids help you, or plan a Mommy Date with a friend to make these!

6. Host a Fall Brunch
Host a fall brunch at your house and have everyone bring their favorite fall treat. Options for a Fall themed mimosa bar found here.

And here’s a fun idea for an outdoor game of tic-tac-toe with pumpkins!

7. Go on a Picnic
You don’t need a fancy basket or perfect blanket to lunch outdoors. But if you do want a fancy basket, check out this one! Make a few sandwiches, grab a bag of chips and head out to a park. It seems so simple, but we tend to overlook the simple things.

8. Visit a Fall/Church/School Festival

Have you ever heard the term “wedding season?” Well, we are smack dab in the middle of festival season (and not the Coachella kind.) Churches, schools, and local organizations spend a large amount of time planning and organizing these carnivals, so it’s always good to go out and support them.
9. New Halloween PJ’s
If there is one thing I’ve learned from the twins, it’s that they love anything “different” or “new” or “special!” And this year, at 3 years old, they really know what is going on and keep asking about Halloween and Christmas. How fun would it be to buy a new pair of Halloween pj’s and give to them over the weekend?
10. Visit your Local Library (Or Go Virtual!)
The Houston Public Library hosts “Outdoor Family Storytime” in different locations throughout the city. Also, tonight, for kids age 10 and up, listen to a spooky bedtime story (click here to go to the Facebook page for the Live event.) The Facebook page is also a GREAT resource for teaching literacy to children.

Well friends, how many items do you think you can check off the October Bucket List? Tell me below!
Cheers – MP