The Weekend Post 3

Episode 3 – Happy First Day of Spring!

After our week out of town for Spring Break, I’m taking it super easy this weekend. It seems like the last month has been crazy and chaotic and I need a weekend to just get everything in order and recharge. You know, fun stuff like meal prepping, folding laundry, and taking a nap 😉 The next two weekends will kick back into high gear with Easter coming up so I am sooooo looking forward to just relaxing and not planning much at all.

Smocked Auctions 20% Off of Easter

No code needed! Click here to shop some of my faves!

Including the pj’s and adorable storybook rabbit the twins are wearing!

Easter Dresses

Easter will be here before we know it, so start planning your outfits now. Don’t wait until the last minute or else you run the risk of experiencing shipping delays or sizes being sold out. I’m working on a more in depth Easter post that will go out early next week but came across these dresses and think they are just perfect for Easter weekend, and you can’t beat this pricing.


Okay, so Instagram ads got me on this one. I kept seeing an ad for these lamps, and if I had $254 to spend on lamps, I would 100% buy them! Anyway, my curiosity got the best of me, so sure enough, I found myself on the Maisonette website and am now obsessed. Some of the items get pretty pricey, but some are in a more affordable price rang

My great-grandmother’s name was Cleo, so when I see the blue cornflower dress named the Cleo Dress, it just reminds me of her! There is a very high chance that you will see Savannah in a picture in the Cleo dress soon 🙂

To Do This Weekend – Exploration Park

Exploration Park is an immersive public playground alongside the north side of Willow Fork Drainage District’s Diversion Channel, just south of Creech Elementary. Play features include a sensory garden, swings, a musical bridge, a raindrop berm lawn, and a slide tower and bridge connecting to a hill slide. An interactive water cycle wall creates a hands-on experience that demonstrates the water cycle and educational signage encourages water conservation. It has an open lawn for unstructured play, covered pavilion, restrooms, parking lot, and is first come, first serve during daylight hours. The weather looks fantastic this weekend – so get outdoors and enjoy it!

Click here for more info!

Sparkling Lemonade

This sparkling lemonade is right up my alley right now. I am into all things lemon, and love drinking this Italian sparkling soda (found here.) And these lemon cupcakes were amazing!

But, back to the goods. These sparkling lemonade cocktails will be perfect to drink Easter weekend. I plan on using the Penny Lane sugar mix for the rim to give it a fun and colorful look! Use code MEAGAN15 for 15% off your purchase at Fancy Sprinkles. I promise – it is totally worth your money! Anything with Fancy Sprinkles adds GLAM and FUN to what you are creating!

I think I’m going to skip doing any baking this weekend. Like I said, I really want to relax and get my house in order and don’t want to over plan anything.

Well friends, I hope you have a great weekend!

Make sure to follow along on Insta for a more day to day view of life and random things I find and like! I try to link as much as possible in for you for easy shopping!

Cheers – MP