A Day In the Life

After 5 months of working from home, I think I finally figured out a schedule that I would say “works.” One of the biggest things I struggled with in the beginning of working from home was feeling like i HAD to sit in front of my computer in the office all day long. I would come out of the office to grab breakfast or a snack and then jokingly tell Lola, “Okay Lola, back to the dungeon we go.”

I finally realized that was ridiculous because even when I was physically in the office, I never sat in front of my computer all day long. There were meetings, and walks, and coffee and lunch runs, and office talks with coworkers.

Throughout the day, I find time to wash and fold clothes, wash dishes, prep food, and do other chores around the house.

This schedule is flexible. I modify it around my work schedule – meetings, calls, projects being worked on, etc.

Have you found a schedule that works for you and your family? I realize I’m typing this right as schools are back in session and many students are doing virtual learning, and whatever schedule you had probably just got flipped upside down……but I would still love to hear what is working for you πŸ™‚

6:30 am Wake up

I wake up at 6:30 am. The first thing I do is check my e-mail, scroll through socials, check my calendar, and sometimes fall back asleep (wfh has made me lazy.) At some point, I wander into the kitchen to make coffee using this coffee maker. It seriously makes the best coffee, and baristas from around the world will back that up πŸ™‚

And if you use code POST10, you’ll get 10% off πŸ™‚

I add in this collagen creamer and get dressed for the day.

I start the day off in work out clothes. This was a huge struggle for me for a long time. Do I get dressed for the day? When do I work out? After months of experimenting, I realized what works best for me is putting work out clothes on right away (plus I think of it as an extra motivator to actually work out…..)

I also fill up my water jug for the day and get to sippin’. Yes, I drink the entire thing in one day.

8:00 am Wake up twins

This is pretty standard – wake up, change diapers, get dressed, and they get a pouch on the way to school.

9:30 am Eat breakfast

I like to eat a combo from the following list for breakfast:

  • turkey bacon
  • eggs (scrambled or boiled)
  • avocado with Himalayan salt and red pepper
  • oatmeal
  • fruit
  • English muffin with laughing cow cheese
Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with Himalayan salt, 2 slices turkey bacon, and avocado with red pepper

11:00 Work out & Walk Lola

I just started the Kelsey Wells PWR at Home work out in the Sweat app and really like it. After working out and taking my sweaty selfie, Lola and I go on a walk. I now know what it feels like to be a dog and stay inside in the same house pretty much all day every day, and completely understand why dogs get so excited to go on walks. It honestly makes me feel really badly for not taking her on walks before.

After we return home, I eat lunch and take a shower and get dressed for the day. Lunch is usually leftovers or a premade salad – quick and easy to eat.

Lunch: leftover hamburger patty with a slice of Pepperjack cheese and avocado with red pepper and Himalayan salt

My #workwear these days consists of pairing a t-shirt with shorts or jeans. Seriously – and now that I have 3 more Caslon t-shirts and few more pair of shorts, I can mix and match for dayssssssss.

4:30 pm Pick up twins from school

Once we get home, they have yogurt with water while I unload the car, get ready to start making dinner, and hide anything from the day that I forgot to hide before they get home (for example, the deebot.)

6:00 pm Dinner/Bath

One of my favorite things to eat for dinner is this pesto pizza. Because I’ve been trying to increase my protein intake, I might add shredded chicken or a hamburger patty on the side.

One of the twins’ favorite foods I make are sweet potato fries. The key to having them come out crispy is a) using corn starch to absorb any moisture and b) not putting too many on a tray at a time – this causes them to steam as opposed to bake. Look for more to come on this next week.

7:30 pm Twins go to sleep/Mama evening routine

My evening routine begins once the twins go to sleep. I pick up as much as I can and put things back in their place so I can wake up to a clean house. Then, I shower, wash my face, feed Lola, sometimes eat ice cream, and relax while watching a series or movie. Btw, I have been obsessed with Chicago PD and have watched the first 6 seasons and am now in Season 7.

Around 8:30, I make my Vital Proteins Blueberry Moon Milk Collagen Latte to ensure I get my 8 hours of beauty sleep. It’s so tasty and creamy and I actually look forward to drinking it. I like to sip on it while slowly shutting down for the night.

9:30 pm Feed John B and get ready for bed

The last thing I do before going to bed is feed the fish, John B. Yep, like that John B from Outerbanks. I check on the twins, turn down the air, and crawl into bed.

To read my tips for sleeping better, click here.

And that’s it, my friends. I have no idea what the rest of 2020 will look like, but this is what is working for me right now.

Cheers – MP