|The Monday Post| #27 – The N Sale vs. Amazon Prime

There’s literally so much going on right now. The N Sale, Amazon Prime Day, Target Deals, Wal-Mart Sales…..I can’t keep up. But what I can do, is compare some of the N Sale items that I like for work to Amazon Prime items that I like for work. It’s pretty obvious that the prices of the items from Nordstrom are more expensive. One thing I take into consideration when deciding on where to purchase an item is what are my expectations for the item? Is this a once in a blue moon kind of purchase that I’m willing to splurge on? For example, a blazer or good coat might fall into this category. I have a grey, black, pink, and navy blazer in my closet right now. I’ve built this collection up over the years and have spent good money on them. If you think about all of the years I’ve been out of college and working (11……eeeeek!), that really isn’t a lot. What is also really interesting to me is that when I do closet clean outs, the first items to ALWAYS go are the more trendy, cheaper items. So keep these things in mind when shopping!

Something else I think is crucial when purchasing and wearing budget friendly items that will keep them looking like they are high end is taking care of the item. Wash them on the gentle cycle, hang dry, and steam/iron them. Taking care of your clothes will make you look and feel like a million bucks, even if you only paid $15 for the blouse. I love this little steamer for quick and easy last minute 5 am steaming. I have a bigger steamer that I use as well, but this one has just become so quick and convenient.


With dresses, you need to have a good mix. I recommend having at least three good quality dresses that can be mixed and matched with cardigans, blazers, or on their own. The more affordable dresses usually tend to be a little trendier and capture this season’s latest fads. Tread lightly with these. Next season is a whole new ball game and you never know what the fashion goddesses are going to throw your way. That leopard print dress could now be permanently parked in your closet for the next 5 – 10 years until it comes back.


Having good quality work pants is a MUST. Pants that are too sheer, fit weird, or at risk of ripping most likely will not be worn often. Having a good pair of classic black ankle pants that can be worn with flats, pumps, or booties will be worn. Again, keep in mind trendy vs. classic.


I can understand paying for blazers, pants, and dresses. But tops, or blouses, kill me when they are more than like $30. This is where I struggle the most with finding the balance between pricey and budget friendly. Again, good quality blouses will last longer in your closet, so while they may be more expensive now, if they get more wear throughout the years, it will be worth it.

Coats & Jackets

Oh how I love looking at Kate Middleton pictures in her gorgeous coats. I would LOVE to wear coats like her all the time, but, being in the Houston area, there are like 10 days where it is cold enough to wear a coat like that. I do recommend having a nice coat – whether for work, winter wedding, or a formal event. And blazers, you know how I feel about blazers – instantly polished and professional. AND you can wear them on repeat and style them so many different ways!

Well, friends, in conclusion I’d like to wish you all a happy N Sale, Amazon Prime, Target Deal, and Wal-Mart sales day! Be on the look out for more sale item stuff in my stories – found here.

Cheers – MP

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