|The Monday Post| #66

I had a busy weekend filled with lots of outside time and baking! I filled up my hummingbird feeders and bird feeder, bought a small hanging plant, and started the process of cleaning up the backyard (the leaves are driving me nuts!) I spent most of Sunday morning in the kitchen and made the most amazing Coconut Pound Cake and sugar cookies (ready to decorate!) And then, something amazing happened on Sunday afternoon……I rested. I sat down on the couch, and said, “I’m not doing anything but lounging around for the next hour,” and I did. I left my phone in the kitchen and even think I dozed off for a few minutes. Now that is a good Sunday πŸ˜‰

Here are the things on my mind for the week πŸ™‚ Enjoy!

Fancy Sprinkles

One of the really cool things that Fancy Sprinkles does is create different kits (especially for those of us who aren’t as diy-y/crafy as others.) For Easter, they’ve created 2 different kits: 1) The Hop To It Cakesicle Kit and 2) Easter Eggcelence Kit! Both are super fun to do leading up to Easter weekend!

And they even have a Youtube page showing you how to make several of the kits and so many other super cool things (like pastel rainbow meringue pops!) Click here to go the youtube page.

DISCOUNT CODE: MEAGAN15 for 15% off!

Hop to It Cakesicle Kit

Easter Eggcelence Kit

Pastel Prism Powder Set

Glameffi Basket Bunnies

I bought these last year at the beginning of quarantine, which, not to get too far off topic, but do you realize that last year at this time was the last “normal” week we had….but enough of that. Back to the goods. These basket bunnies are totally customizable and are just adorable. Tiffany is a local Katy gal who specializes in all things PARTY & EVENTS! Balloons, decorations, paper goods, plastic ware, set up, and now, she’s added wooden items like these basket bunnies and charcuterie boards.

Click here to shop!

Book I’m Reading

I’m slightly obsessed with this book and listened for three hours while working around the house yesterday. I used to save my Audible books for my commute, but since I have no commute now, I actually listen at home, on walks with Lola, and so on.

So far this book is amazing. I’ll just leave it at his: Abby discovers she has an older secret sister that her parents gave up for adoption through a DNA service. They meet each other shortly after realizing they were a match, and end up going to the same summer camp. Mix in high school drama…..love, friendships, what am I doing with my life, etc…..and you’ve got yourself one cute and easy read!

Click here to buy – Kindle, Paperback, Hardcover, or Audiobook.

On The Menu

This week is an eat from the fridge/freezer week. Every six weeks or so we do this. It’s a good way to clear out any frozen meat that needs to be eaten, make sure all the fresh veggies and fruit get eaten, and work on the canned goods in the pantry. I bought a bunch of canned goods pre-freeze a couple of weeks ago that need to be eaten because they are taking up valuable real estate in my (very tiny) pantry. Plus, I cannot stand having a pantry/fridge full of JUNK! I like buying what I need and what we’ll eat – not just buying a bunch of stuff to buy it. And more than anything, I hate wasting food, especially meat.

With that, here’s what’s on the menu this week:

Monday: Cheeseburgers with sweet potato fries and some sort of canned good

Tuesday: Air Fryer Chicken with ranch style beans and fruit for dessert (I have a lot of fresh fruit that needs to be eaten!)

Wednesday: Annie’s Farm Animals Mac-n-Cheese with ground beef mixed in and fruit – I’ll add in arugula to mine and maybe feta to mine πŸ™‚

Thursday: I’m usually on my own for Thursday dinners so typically don’t prepare a “meal.” It’s usually something frozen, leftovers, an HEB Meal Simple, or at Lindly’s house πŸ™‚

Friday: Some sort of seafood to observe Lent Fridays…..or cheese enchiladas!

Well friends, I hope you all have a beautiful week. I’m full speed into Easter and Spring – make sure to follow me on Insta and in the LiketoKnow.it app as I share a lot of product collages for deals throughout the week! I also share little snippets of my daily routine and life in stories – including work outs, try ons, food ideas, the twins being silly, and so on πŸ™‚

Cheers – MP